Wednesday, December 24, 2008

yo ! ~ ...MeRry cHriStMaS...~

EveRyoNe HaPpY MeRry cHriStMas...

If A faT mAn iN rEd CoMes iNto yOur rOOm iN thE miDdLE oF tHe nIgHt & sHovEs yOu iN tO A BaG,DoNt bE sCaRed BcuX I toLd SanTa I wAnteD A frIenD lIke yOu foR cHriStMaS...^^=D

so HOpe ..YouR aLL haVe a HaPpy mErrY cHriStMaS And HapPy NeW yeAR ..^^

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